Monday, March 28, 2011

In An Open Relationship With Facebook

I would like to start off by thanking Facebook for adding the two new relationship statuses, in a civil union and in a domestic partnership to the supercool relationship drop-down menu, although I'm confident it wasn't Mark Doucherberg's idea (afterall, few are).

Let's review, shall we?  Facebook relationship statuses defined:
Single = Banging myself daily
In a relationship = Banging the girl I love twice a month
Engaged = Banging the girl I love twice a month but am ready to move our relationship forward (i.e. banging on holidays)
Married = We don't bang, we play Scrabble
It’s complicated = Actively stalking someone (but I think we’ll be talking in real life soon)
In an open relationship = Putting it in a different butt every night
Widowed = My vagina died.  I don’t know when or why, but it’s definitely dead
Separated = Fucking someone over
Divorced = Being fucked over
In a civil union/domestic partnership = I'm mega gay and my kids won't receive my social security benefits when I die

People break up, make up, make out, remain friends, and sometimes plot to kill each other.  Thankfully we have Facebook to track our profile settings and attempt to deliver helpful advice during our most trying times.  Change your relationship status to single and start seeing ads for Weight Watchers and dating services.  Congrats on your engagement!  I hope you'll find these ads for blood diamonds and vacations in Europe amazingly unaffordable!  Are you one quarter away from getting your Master's?  Why not finish up at Notevenaschoolatall here for details!

I'd like to give back to you, Facebook, and I hope you'll find these ads I've created helpful to the problem areas in your life.

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