Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Social Isolation, Withdrawal Symptom #1

Being the devout Catholic I am, I got serious about Lent this year.  Lent is defined as the 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.  That being said, for the next 46 days I will be Facebook free.

Yesterday, on Fat Tuesday, I was gluttonous.  I liked that my cousin ate Raisin Bran for breakfast.  When my boss posted a cartoon of a busty blonde who was calling technical support because her computer wouldn't turn on during a power outage, I liked it hard.  Your kid went poo in the potty?  Your husband's a douche?  Is it Friday yet???  Like, like, motherfucking like!

Today I'm paying the price...enter withdrawal symptom isolation.
As I type these words I know the feed is moving slowly down your browser's window.  John is now friends with Kate.  Susan is attending the Sweatin' to the Oldies dance off.  Connie is now single.  Sad face.

Well, what am I doing?   I'm about to have a shit-ton of hot lesbian sex and I'm NOT going to think about that time Martha poked me.


  1. I like this post...

  2. I wish my back was well enough for a shit-ton of hot lesbian sex.
