Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Withdrawal Symptom Are you Suffering From?

ahhhh the infamous Questions that cause us to scratch our virtual heads.  Does SHE like me?  Who is my Greek God parent?  Am I mega fat or just fat?  Without Facebook, I don't even know who I am.

Not only that...who are you?  Facebook Polls tell me a lot.  Do you have Bieber fever?  Is Snooki still your favorite little meatball?  Have you ever typed Google into Google?  (As head of IT, I sure hope not because turning it off and on again will not fix that shit.)

When I participate in a Facebook Survey, I discover parts of myself I never knew existed.  
What kind of goth/punk would you consider yourself to be?  
a) Mall Goth 
b) Baby Bat 
c) Romantigoth 
...oh wait here it is...yes, definitely the next one
d) Perky Goth

Personality Quizzes (with amazing grammar and punctuation) make me horny.  I just discovered I smell like shea butter because I'm up for anything on the weekends, don't care when my friend borrows my favorite shirt, and I let dogs lick my face.  Doi, shea butter.

And the this is where you really start to understand the concept of how something that seems like "the worst" can also be considered "the best."  Do any guys like fat gurlz?  Should I get a brown hamster?  Why are gay men so much cooler than lesbians?  My butt isn't THAT big, is it?

I leave you with this Poll.  Feel free to share it with others.  The results will give me a better understanding on whether or not I'm using the correct protocol during this intimate process.

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